Komaki Castle Records -コマキ キャッスル レコーズ- は、現在準備中です。

2019/09/05 16:59

Kimi ni 100% / Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

#8 Kimi ni 100%キミが出している力はホントThe power you are producing is realキミの本気の何パーセントHow many % of your real powerいつか全力100パーセント それは疲れちゃうけどSomeday the 100 % of you...

2019/09/05 14:07

Fashion Monster / Kyry Pamyu Pamyu

#7 Fashion MonsterFashion MonsterおもしろいっていいたいのにI wanna say it is funny butいえないなんてつまらないでしょIt is boring not to say thatおなじになって 良いこでなんていたくないって きみも...

2019/09/05 12:26

CANDY CANDY / Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

#6 CANDY CANDYIn the desk, the Pocket and the bag机とかポケットとかかばんの中にもね I never forget to having that and forget them what should I take?いつだって忘れずあるよ 何をえらぼうかなLit...

2019/09/05 11:59

KYARY AN AN / Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

#5 Kyary An Anあん あん ああん あんAn an aan an ぱみゅぱみゅPamyu Pamyuあん あん ああん あんAn an aan anきゃりーぱみゅぱみゅKyary Pamyu Pamyu僕らは働くよ 夢みてI work dreaming今日も明日...

2019/09/05 11:49

Tsukema Tsukeru / Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

#4 Tsukema TsukeruつけまつけまつけまつけるFalse, False, False eye rushesぱちぱちつけまつけてPachi Pachi put on the False eye rushesとぅ CAME UP とぅ CAME UPToe CAME UP toe CAME UPつけまつけるput on...

2019/09/05 10:50

Cherry Bon Bon / Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

#3 Cherry Bon Bon子供の頃おばあちゃんにねだるとたまにくれたWhen I was a child sometimes my grandmother gave me夜更かししてるのと同じくらいどきどきねえIt's as exciting as staying up late at night he...

2019/09/05 10:18

 PON PON PON/ Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

Follwoing is the Lyric translation which was translated by the shop master;#1 KPP on stage(Instrumental)#2 PON PON PONあの交差点でみんながもしスキップをしてIf everybody skip on that crossroad ...

2019/09/04 09:15

Lyric Interpretation of Love Punch

Following is Lyrics interpretation of AiOtsuka's first album Love Punch.#1 Pretty VoiceThis is a song about boyfiriend who is nearbyAi. The song is about memory with boy friend andpath to drea...

2019/09/03 11:56

Rock Festivals in Japan 2 : Summer Sonic 19 Osaka

The shop masterwent to Summer Sonic 19 day 2 which was held in Aug.17 and was headlined by TheChainsmokers.This column isgoing to be a report of that.If I say conclusion first, the day was the day ...

2019/08/27 16:30

The Strokes / The Modern Age

TheStrokes / The Modern AgeWritten by: Casablancas Julian#2 The Modern AgeUp on a hill is where we begin俺たちはある丘の上で始まったんだThis little story a long time ago此の小さな物語はずいぶん前の...

2019/08/27 16:28

The Strokes/ Is this it?

TheStrokes / Is This It?#1Is This It これなのか(Chorus)Can’tyou see I’m trying?頑張っているの分からないのか?Idon’t even like it嫌いなんだIjust lied to get to your apartmentお前の住んでいるところ...

2019/08/27 15:12

The Strokes / I can't win

#11 Ican’t win 勝てない Thatwas you up on the mountain山を登っているのはあんただったかAllalong and all surrounded一人ぼっちで行く手をふさがれているからWalkingon the ground you’re breaking お前...

2019/08/27 10:56

 The Strokes / The End  Has No End

Oneby one, ticking time bombs wonひとつひとつ、時を刻む時限爆弾が成功するIt’snot the secrets of the government that’s keeping you dumb政府の秘密がお前を間抜けにするんじゃないOh,it’s other way aroun...

2019/08/27 09:29

The Strokes / The Way It Is

#9 The Way It Is ありのままの姿Shewas still sleeping; the problem will stay.彼女は未だ眠っていた。問題はそのまま残るってことだOnemore dayもう一日なSaidshe’s not sorry the wind blows her way彼女は「...

2019/08/26 17:41

 The Strokes  / Under Control

Idon’t want waste your timeお前の時間を無駄にしたくはないんだIdon’t want to waste your timeお前の時間を無駄にしたくはないんだIjust want to say唯言いたいんだIhave got say言わなきゃいけないWeworked h...