Komaki Castle Records -コマキ キャッスル レコーズ- は、現在準備中です。

2019/09/25 15:18

Lyric interpretation of Innocence Moratorium

Following is an interpretation of RIngo Sheena's lyrics of her first album 無罪モラトリアム not guilty moratorium;1. 正しい街 A town of RightnessThis song is about memory of her and her boyfriend...

2019/09/19 09:58

Super Scooter Happy / Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

#11 Super Scooter Happy今からキミに逢いにいくからI am going to meet you from now on渋滞の東京でスーパースクーターI will come to you by using super scooter on conjested TOKYO今日の天気は良いからToda...

2019/09/19 09:58

Start of the Dream ream ream / Kyary Pumyu Pamyu

#12 ゆめのはじまりんりん今まで色んなホントいい思い出たちSo many really good memoriesトランクに押し込み 忘れはしないよI put them on the trunk and never forget thatこれから未来は 自分次第なのでしょ...

2019/09/19 09:58

Ninjari Bang Bang / Kryary Pamyu Pamyu

#1 にんじゃりばんばん鮮やかに 恋して にんじゃりばんばんBe so bright to love Ninjari Bang Bangなんだか にんじゃりばんばんI don't know why but Ninjari Bang Bangbloom bloom bloom 花びらも舞うbloom ...

2019/09/19 09:58

Mottainai Land / Kryary Pamyu Pamyu

#2 Mottainai Landもったいないから もったいないBecause it is Mottainai Mottainaiボクは夢を描き泣く ああI dream and cry ahもっといたいから もの足りないからI still want to stay here and it is noten...

2019/09/19 09:58

5iVE YEARS MONSTER / Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

#3 5iVE YEARS MONSTER We are monster5iVE YEARS MONSTERメイクとマイクでWith my make-up and a mike5iVE YEARS MONSTER魔法をかけるわI cast a spell感動の記念日さIt is the anniversary of the ex...

2019/09/19 09:58

Kira Kira Killer / Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

#4 Kira Kira KillerL.U.C.K. L.U.C.K. L.U.C.K. L.U.C.K.正体は誰も知らない秘密のヒーローNobody knows about the identity of the secret hero悪役のようにしてもみんなはねわかってるIf he behaves as a vill...

2019/09/19 09:58

zebrahead / Playmate of the Year

#2 Playmate of the YearThere's this girl I don't know俺の知らない女の子がいるんだComes by every year or so毎年やってくるんだAnd if I get the mail before my mom俺のママが差し出すメールの前にメールが...

2019/09/19 09:58

AKB 48 / River

前へ進め! (Got it!)Go forward! (Got it!)立ち止まるな! (Got it!)And don’t stop! (Got it!)目指すは陽が昇る場所The place you are aiming at is where the sun rise.希望の道を歩け!Walk on the road of ho...

2019/09/19 09:58

AKB 48 / Fotune Cookie in Love

あなたのことが好きなのにEven I like you so much 私にまるで興味ないbut you are not interested in me at all何度目かの失恋の準備This is the preparation of the broken heart for sometimeYeah! Yeah! Yeah...

2019/09/19 09:57

Yuji Oda / Over the Trouble

アイツのこぶしを 噛みしめて倒れたHit by his fist and fell down右目のアザは 情熱の勲章Thebruise on the right eye is medal of passion覚悟を決めたと きみは指輪はずしてYousaid I’ve decided and off the ...

2019/09/19 09:57

Namie Amuro / Can you celebrate?

Can you celebrate? Can you kiss me tonight?We will love long long time永遠ていう言葉なんて 知らなかったよねWe have never known the word like forever(Can you celebrate? Can you kiss me tonight?)(We...

2019/09/19 09:57

Tamio Okuda / Become the flower on the road

闇を切り裂け 拳で切り裂けBreak the dark  Break with your fistそれは誠 強い男That is the real man The strong man心無にして 光を背にしてBecome heartlessly   Back to the lightそれが...

2019/09/19 09:57

Hikaru Utada / Distance

気になるのに聞けないWondering but I cannot listen泳ぎ疲れて君まで無口になるSo tired swimming and you also become silence会いたいのに見えない波に押されて また少し遠くなるWant to see you but I am pu...

2019/09/19 09:57

 Hikaru Utada / Automatic

七回目のベルで受話器を取った君After seven times the bell rings you pick up the phone名前を言わなくても声ですぐ分かってくれるYou recognize me without saying my name唇から自然とこぼれ落ちるメロディー...