Komaki Castle Records -コマキ キャッスル レコーズ- は、現在準備中です。

2019/09/19 09:57

Can you celebrate? Can you kiss me tonight?
We will love long long time

永遠ていう言葉なんて 知らなかったよね
We have never known the word like forever

(Can you celebrate? Can you kiss me tonight?)
(We will love long long time)
二人きりだね 今夜からは少し照れるよねLalala...Lalala...
We are alone together and from tonight, we are little shy

永く...永く... いつも見守っていてくれている誰かを探して見つけて 失ってまた探して遠かった怖かったでも 時に素晴らしい夜もあった 笑顔もあった どうしようもない 風に吹かれて生きてる今 これでもまだ 悪くはないよね
Long long time I was searching for the person who watches me over and found out him, and lost and search again.
It is really faraway and scary but sometimes we have great night and smile and I was blew by the wind can’t help and living now still not so bad.

Lalala...Lalala...甘く切ない 若くて幼い 愛情ふり返ればけっこう可愛いね間違いだらけの道順 なにかに逆らって走った誰かが 教えてくれた(Can you celebrate? Can you kiss me tonight?)(We will love long long time)wo...
Really sweet and painful, young and childish love if I look back pretty pretty there are so many mistaken root someone who revel against kindly told me

想い出から ほんの少し 抜け出せずにたたずんでる 訳もなくて 涙あふれ 笑顔こぼれてる(Can you hold me tight? Let's a party time tonight)(Say good bye my lonely heart)
From my memory I cannot run away a little there is no reason to just standing and full of tears and smile spilling

永遠ていう言葉なんて 知らなかったよね
We never know the word like forever.
Can you celebrate? Can you kiss me tonight?We will love (long long time)

二人きりだね 今夜からはどうぞよろしくね
We are all alone from tonight nice to meet you

Can you celebrate? Can you kiss me tonight?I can celebrate...