Komaki Castle Records -コマキ キャッスル レコーズ- は、現在準備中です。

2019/09/04 09:15

Following is Lyrics interpretation of Ai Otsuka's first album Love Punch.

#1 Pretty Voice

This is a song about boyfiriend who is nearby Ai. 

The song is about memory with boy friend and path to dream of life.

#2 桃ノ花ビラ”Peach Petals”

The song is about love with her boyfriend and is linked to  Peach Petals.

#3 さくらんぼ”Cherry”

This song is about lined with two lovers and is linked to a cherry.

#4 Girly

In this song she clame an determination of to become an adult and concentlate to deal with today's thing also do tomorrow's thing to do tomorrow. This song tells us how to make living daily life.


#5 雨の中のメロディー"Melody in Rain"

This is a song about her depressed a little and show us the way to how to deal with it.

#6 しゃぼん玉 " a Soap Bubble"

This is a song about broken heart song.

She thinks it is because of her being clumsy and this song contains a feeling of reflection to it.

#7 石川大阪友好条約 "Ishikawa-Osaka friendship pact"

She wrote this song based on memory of her class mate who is from Ishikawa and her from Osaka. They became friend and shook hand. The title pact is metaphor of their friend ship.

#8 片想いダイヤル"one-sided love dial"

This is a song about one-sided love and describes an emotion when she is dialing  to him.

#9 ハニー"Honey"

This song is about her dog taking care of home. She is making laugh of its action like chasing tail and rolling over. Using Onomatopoeia is her humor.

#10 甘えんぼ"Sweet Potato"

This song is about herself finally find out a lover and she can be a sweet potato to him.

She cannot be honest and self indulgence and refers herself as sweet potato.

#11 Always Together

This song is about to be with her boy friend eternally.

Her boyfriend works too much and very tired.

In this song she thinks she can heal him.

She was 00's new type of woman singer song writer her song Cherry was tied-up a poplur TV program めちゃx2イケてるッ!”What a Cool We are” and became smash hit.