Komaki Castle Records -コマキ キャッスル レコーズ- は、現在準備中です。

2020/04/22 16:57

During the heaviest part of the rush hour, platfrom workers are brought in at some station to literally push the last passengers onto the cars,
packing them in so tight that it is viturally impossible for thouse standing in the vicinity of the doors to leave.
In winter heavy clothing results in even more crowding.

Visitors are advised to avoid using public transportation during the worst of the rush hours.
If you must travel during these periods, it is best give yourself a few minutes leeway, and not to board until you are in front of the line
(let other wating cmmuters pass you).
When the steam of disembarking passengers stops、board very quickly and if possible position yourself in one of the coners just inside the door, turning your back to the crowd and holding on so you are not pushed into the middle of the aisle where there is nothing to hold on to.
乗り降りする乗客の蒸気が止まった時, 早く乗車して、もしドアに入る可能な位置にいる場合はあなた自身を、群衆に背を向けて押し続けると何も保持する必要のない通路の真ん中に押し込まれなくなります。
This maneuver wil prevent you from being shoved further and futher into the coach, reducing the possibility of the losing your balance as the car starts and stops and sways from side to side and making it easier to disembark when you come to the stop.

There are doors on every sides of the coaches and the side that opens varies from station to station.
If you do not know which doors open at your stop, and guess wrong、you are usually still better off than if you were packed into the middle of the aisle, where you get buffeted each time there is an exchange of passengers.
もしあなたがどちらのドアが開くか分からない場合は, そして間違いだと思う場合は,通常は通路の真ん中に詰め込まれていて、乗客の交換があるたびにビュッフェされるよりもまだ裕福です。
The ectraordinary crowding of Japan's transportion system often results in close, prolonged body contact among standing passengers,
Proper etiquette in this situation is to keep your hands still, remain as passive as possible, and avoid direct eye contact.
Some people read if there is enough room to hold reading material.
Many close their eyes and some of those stting fall asleep.

Japan's present constitution was established in 1946, and the three major principles are soblenty of the people, pacifism and respect for foundamental.
There have been constant aguments pros and cons amending the constitiution.

2. 国会議事堂は東京都中央区永田町にあり、東京の観光名所の一つです。日本の国会は衆議院と参議院から成り立っており、それぞれが下院と上院にあたります。

The Diet Building is located in Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
It's one of the famous sight seeing spots in Tokyo.
The Japanese Diet consits of the House of representatives and the House of councilors which are equal to the lower house and the upper house, respetively.