Komaki Castle Records -コマキ キャッスル レコーズ- は、現在準備中です。

2019/09/19 09:23

いたずらに 過ぎていく時間が 夢へと流れだす
The time that goes past mischief started flowing to my dream
迷わずに 明日を選んでいける
I think I can choose tomorrow without lost
そうなふうに 思えるよう
For me to think like that

隠しきれない この気持ち 大空に描き出す
Draw this feeling in the sky that cannot be hidden

Reach for the golden ring 
Reach for the sky
今すべて 受け止めて
Please receive all of them now
陽の当たる丘で 軽く口笛を吹き
In the hill that sun shines 
Let's laugh hahaha as much as you can with a whistle really lite

頼りなく 揺れている自分が 夢へと動き出す
Me unreliably swaying start moving into my dream
こんなにも 君を探していたよ
I keep seaching you this much
果てしなく 続く道
On the road endlessly continues

歩き出そう 手をつなぎ
Let's start walking holding hands each other 
目をふせずに まっすぐと
Keep your eyes straight

Reach for the golden ring 
Reach for the sky
Release your feeling now
On the hill that wind blows
The sky broading high
Let's laugh hahaha as much as you can

Everyday... Everynight...

Reach for the sky
ねえ はじめなきゃ 届かないよ
Hey, if you don't start you will never reach
For you to connecting to your dream
悲しみの昨日に さよならを
Say good bye to the yeasterday full of sorrow
どんな時も どんな時も ここにいて
Stay here anytime, anytime
