Komaki Castle Records -コマキ キャッスル レコーズ- は、現在準備中です。

2019/09/19 09:23

思うまま泣いて笑う君は 俺の心奥底まで響いた

You crying and laughing as your feeling, ringed my deep inside

周り見ずに1人傷つき そこで己脆さに気付き

You hurt your feeling alone without looking your surroundings and noticed that you are fragile

人目はばからずに涙流して 嫌なことから無理矢理羽ばたいて

You shed your tears paying no attention to your surroundings and you forcibly flapped from things you hate

答え出す自分の中で 涙、乾いたら違う眺め

You found out the answer by yourself, wiped your tears and different view

時に夢やぶれ涙溢れ まだある先進むべき明日へ

Sometimes your dream brake but you went to the path to the tomorrow to go forward

弱さを見せる 怖さも癒える ありのままで俺 居れる

You showed your weakness and healed your fears and you can be yourself as you are

抑えこんだ感情なら今出そう ありのまま生きるならば今だぞ

If you are hiding your emotion, let’s out now

if you want to live as you are, now is the best time

涙の数だけ大きくなる訳 そこに本当の自分があるだけ

The reason as the number of tears grow

There is only real yourself



溢れた感情は単純にこぼれる涙 止めずに泣いて枯れるまで

The overflew emotion

That is simply tears

Shedding without stopping crying till withered

溢れた感情は単純に疲れた君を そっと包んで忘れるため

The overflew emotion

That is simply because

holding and forgetting you who are tired



いくつも熱く胸をめぐる 感情は瞳に溢れてくる

The emotion that numerously goes around your chest hot, sheds from your eyes

いつでも泣きたい時 泣けばいい ありのまま思うまま涙に

You can cry whenever you want

Turn into tear as it is as you wish

ただこらえて 気持ち抑えて 一人で強がることはやめて

But don’t try to be strong alone to hold back and hide your real emotions

人影に逃げずに俺と二人で こぼれた滴強さに変えて

Don’t runaway to the men’s shadow

Change shedding tears into the strongness with me and you

涙は乾き 目の前の鏡に映る その瞳の輝きは

The tear dries and the shine of your eyes reflected in the mirror in front of you

忘れない もう隠さない 泣いても最後にまた笑いたい

I will never forget that

I will never hide that anymore

I want to laugh in the end, even if I cries

これから生きていけば涙するもの それこそが君が今生きること

From now on it can’t help to cry

And that is you living now

今は何も言わなくていい 涙を流すそれだけでいい

Don’t say anything now

Just crying

That’s all


君と出会って 夢追っかけて

I met you and followed my dream

少しずつ形になって また悩んで

It came true one by one and I worried

何でだろう? 悩んでんだろって

I said “Why? Why I am worried”

やけになり 独り身でのnight and dayの中で

It droves me crazy

人に傷つき 時にムカつき 自分の弱さに気付き

I hurt by people and sometimes angry and noticed my weakness in night and day in myself alone

ズキズキする胸の鼓動を 抑える感情論を

Throbbing my heart beat

Controlling sentiment theory

唱え出すことで こらえたところで 答えは壊れた心で

If I spell it, bare it, the answer is in my broken heart

泣いて 泣き疲れるまで 湧いて 湧き溢れ出てくるだけ

Crying and crying and till tired in the end

Only springing and overflowing

目一杯にため込んだ 涙と引替えに

In exchange for tears accumulated in my eyes

この機会にまた一つずつ 強くなりつつ

We will become stronger one by one

古い靴 脱ぎ捨て歩いてゆく

And off the old shoes


胸に溢れたその想いを 泣いて(泣いて)笑って(笑って)表せるなら

If you can show your emotion shedding in your chest by crying and laughing  

孤独に泣いた夜も 聞かせてよ(泣いて)笑って(泣いて)何度でも

Please tell me the nights you are alone by crying and laughing

Countless times
