Komaki Castle Records -コマキ キャッスル レコーズ- は、現在準備中です。

2019/09/19 09:24

狂い咲く季節が 止めどなく溢れる
Full of crazy bloom season is endlessly
また いつかと同じ繰り返す戯れ
I feel this moment again  this repeated play
蔦の葉密やかに 根を広げたころに
The time when leaves of the bamboo spreaded its leaves
The secene on your eyes passes away without any sound
何処か 彼方を目指し
Amining at somewhere faraway from here
過ぎた記憶 足蹴に
Kicking memories passing away
悲しい訳じゃなく でも嬉しくもない
I am not feeling blue but not feeling happy
束の間に意味など 知り得る術もなく
I didn't know the way to know this very little moment
ただ鮮やかさだけ 昨日に駆け抜けた
Just this vividness ran through yesterday
It is like Merry-go-round spinning
Forget about the pain and  going around
未だ辿り着く場所 見当たらず進む
I am going forward to reach the place where I cannot find
ただ例えれば 実る果実の 芳しく眩い香りも
If I show you example, the bright scent of the fruites
ひとつ 季節彩り そっと枯れ落ちたとて
It colors on season and even if it withered without sound
蔦は絡まり 身は朽ち果てて 思い出の欠片 土に帰り
The leaves of bamboo gets tangled, my body is decayed, piece of memory returns to the soil
It will become a flower
Like a merry-go-round & round
Let's meet again in coming springs
あの日見えなかった 愛でるべき花たち
The flowers I should love that I coundn't see cleary on that day
今 日だまりの中 首傾げ
Now leaning their head under the sun shines
それでもやさしく 微笑んでいる
Still they are smiling gently
まわる まわる こま切れの記憶の奥で 瞬く
Round & Round and shine at the pieces of memory
涙も雨も 砂に呑み込まれて
Tears and Rains are swallowed by the sand 
急ぎ 廻れ 砕けても
Hurry Go Round if you brake
If it scatters sadly
Don't wait for now
まわれ Hurry merry-go-round
If you are drawn
Let's meet again coming springs
Let's meet again coming springs
Let's meet again coming springs