Komaki Castle Records -コマキ キャッスル レコーズ- は、現在準備中です。

2019/09/19 09:24

I lost my precious thing by very little incident
Very cold ring shined to me
「今さえあればいい」と言ったけど そうじゃなかった
I said if I have now that is OK but It was not like that
The door to you dissapeared withou snyt sound

あなたの幸せ願うほど 我儘が増えてくよ
As I wish for your happiness, my selfishness growing up
それでもあなたを引き留めたい いつだってそう
But I want to stop you, everytime is so
誰かの願いが叶うころ あの子が泣いてるよ
When someone's dreams come true, she is crying 
The door’s sound never ring

I wanted to be the one who can heal you
I tried too much hard to do that

自分の幸せ願うこと 我儘ではないでしょ
To wish my happiness isn't it not selfish?
それならあなたを引き寄せたい できるだけぎゅっと
Then I want to hold you as much as I can
私の涙が乾くころ あの子が泣いてるよ
As my tears dry that girl is crying
And our ground will never dry

あなたの幸せ願うほど わがままが増えてくよ
As I wish your hapiness my selfishness growing up
あなたは私を引きとめない いつだってそう
You never stop me every time is so
誰かの願いが叶うころ あの子が泣いてるよ
When someone's dream really come true the girl is crying 
Everyone's dream never comes at once

小さな地球が回るほど 優しさが身につくよ
As the small earth turn around, I can be kind
もう一度あなたを抱き締めたい 出来るだけそっと
I want to hold you as tender as I can