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2019/08/22 12:45

However, criticism of Southern slavery increased again when Uncle Tom’s Cabin written by Harriet Beecher Stowe was published.


In 1854, the Kansas Nebraska Act which was designed by Democratic Senator Stephen A. Douglas passed Congress.


The Act allowed settlers in Kansas and Nebraska to decide if they wanted to allow slavery within these new territories.


In response to the bill, the Whig Party of the North disbanded and the oppositions against slavery formed the Republican Party in 1856.


The Republican Party, which was led by Abraham Lincoln, had campaigned against Slavery in the presidential election of 1860.


To compete with the Republican victory in that election, seven Southern states: South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas withdrew from the Union.


Soon after that, these seven Southern states elected Jefferson Davis as the first President and formed the Confederates States of America.

To Be Continued