Komaki Castle Records -コマキ キャッスル レコーズ- は、現在準備中です。

2019/08/14 19:55

Following is Interpretation of Eastern Youth album 1996-2001

This album contains songs as following; 

#1 夜明けの歌 Song of Sunrise

This is emotional song of dawn.

This song Yoshino left us a message to stop crying.

In the time of midnight you might crying but when the sunrise he pray your tear will stop.

This is very emotional song. 

#2 夏の日の午後 Afternoon of one Summer day

This is the song about God who knows everything and punishes the people who committes crime.

However, he trying to say sun light of mid summer will wash them away.

In this song, Yoshino tells people to die someday, so sin and comfort should walk with him. 

#3 青すぎる空 Too Blue Sky

Yoshino is singing in this song that he stopped his feet as if his friends were calling him from the other side of the cloud and the other side of the building.

At last he fantasize he will die someday.

His sharp eye for everyday scenes is alive in this song. 

#4 いずこへ Where are you going?

This song starts with the sampling sound of the train, and flows from the sound of the guitar arpeggio and harmonica to the explosive electric guitar all at once. The lyrics express that he is asking himself where the tears he shed have disappeared.

#5 裸足で行かざるを得ない I Have to Go by Barefoot

In this song, Yoshino portrays daily life using the expression that "he is forced to go by barefoot."  

As Yoshino reluctantly sends his daily life, there are so many things happen but he has to live his life. 

In that time of his life, his dream might be burried but still he want to chase that. 

The shop master think that he decided in this song that out of step by bare foot and to be alone. 

This descishion is needed to accomplish his dream. 

This song gives us power to do something in dull dayliy life; Yoshino left us very positive message. 

#6 砂塵の彼方へ It Goes Beyond Dust

Yoshino imagine the world in front of him goes beyond dust and that is how daily life flows. 

In that time of his life inaudible voice ring his heart and wakes his up. 

Also in this song, his keen sence of imagination is alive. 

#7 ギラリズム夜明け前 Girarizm Before the Dawn

In Japan there is a famous word "三人寄れば文殊の知恵”;if there is three people gather around a good idea will be produced.  

However, he is critisizes in this song that the aged concrete thinking which is made by many people is useless and it is not emotional.  

He notices that before the dawn and his sweat became cold.  However, he goes back to himself in the time of sunrise. 

#9泥濘に住む男 A Man Who Lives in Mud

This song begins with an explosion of noise.

And you'll get into the explosive flow of clean tones and guitar sounds. 

In this song, he depicts his life full of regret and fun.

He regrets his life, but realises there is no way to look back or go back. 

Tomorrow is coming while doing so. 

He is lying in the mud and waiting for man to come and promises to resume her someday in the swamp on the corner of town. 

#10雨曝しなら濡れるがいいさ If You Exposed to Rain, Get Wet

Yoshino says us to get wet if you exposed to rain.

And when the end comes, we propose to accept that it was the fate up to that point. 

If you have stronger power, the cloudy weather will go away. 

The shop manager thinks Yoshino is trying comforts us by using writing this lyric that if you have strong will to change circumstance around you and the life will be change to good way.  

#11浮き雲 Foloating Cloud

On one day he looks up the sky and there is cloud and blue sky. 

Then he fantasizes where to go and give us a message that  if you are cloud that is floating, you can go anywhere. 

The shopmaster thinks "floating cloud" is new way of expression of rolling stone which Yoshino invented this is way of expression of to be rolling stone. 

#12静寂が燃える Silence Burns

Sun of Monday burns silence. As everyone knows, Monday is first day of week day, daily life starts from Monday and that sun light makes daily life to be noisy. 

He watched nature and connection between flowers, winds and clouds.

Then he screams that he is looking for somebody who knows him. 

This song describes sense of soltitude on daily life.

Anybody feels soltiftude during having daily life and Yoshino feels empathy. 

So he delivers that feeling of empathy to the listener with his very emotional song. 

#13素晴らしい世界 Amazing World

If you can laugh, cry for your life, there is amazing world waiting for you.

This is the song to cheers us up to fly anywhere. 

That’s all of interpretaion of eastern youth's song lyrics. 

Whole of his song is about the Yoshino's imagine but as we reading his lyrics we can understand he uses all of his energy to try to pick up materials from his imagination  and sending to us by containing them to his lyrics and sounds. 

Their best album is their history of songwriting and you, especially punk rock fans from US and UK can feel their Do It Yourself attitude which is originally invented by amazing punk rockers of your country is still alive this far-east country Japan.